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Our Achievements in the First 6 months of 2022

Here are some of what we have achieved and impacts we have had here at BPS:

👉🏾 Membership has grown by 50% so we have the opportunity to support more students and professionals
👉🏾 Partners have gone up by 100% so we are supporting more businesses on their journey to attracting and retaining more Black talent
👉🏾 We hosted physical events with almost 200 attendees including our members, partners and allies. The ripple benefits from the connections generated at these events will be immeasurable
👉🏾 Through our #BlackScotInterns program & in conjunction with various forward-thinking businesses, we have created almost 50 internship opportunities for our members, and this will provide them with a break into the industry of their choice and help them kickstart their career while giving businesses access to Black talents
👉🏾 We grew our ability to support our members and partners by bringing in two colleagues and hey…we are still hiring!
👉🏾 We supported PASSION4FUSION LIMITED by providing some funding for them to buy football kits for the youngsters in their care
👉🏾 We have reviewed countless CVs through the proactive partnership we have with iMultiply. This is important as a sizeable number of our membership are folks just arriving in Scotland, so having this free service is essential to support their employability
👉🏾 We hosted a 3-day online CV and Interview Prep event where we had speakers educate our members on how to better present their CVs, how to perform better at interviews and how to get ready for life after university
👉🏾 We launched our #BrightAndBlack competition by signposting Black owned startups and ideas to where they can get support with winners walking away with cash prizes
👉🏾 We hosted our first online Careers Fair where our partners got a chance to talk about their brand and career opportunities. Really valuable and key relationships were developed on all sides
👉🏾 Finalised plans to Launch our mentorship platform with our Corporate Partner XSectorMentor


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