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Olufunmilade Adetogun’s Testimonial on Her Internship Placement

A Journey to Remember

When I got this internship opportunity, it came with mixed feelings. I had to move from England to Scotland, leaving my comfort zone, friends, family and community. It sounds silly and unrealistic to many, but why will you go to another city/country for just a three-month internship program?
Nevertheless, I wasn’t deterred by the unknown but picked up my bags and went on this adventure. Alas, from the first moment I stepped into Scotland, the first moment in Edinburgh, the first moment with The Scottish National Investment Bank has been filled with love, growth, strength, and friendship.
My time and experience with the bank have been phenomenal. Working with the bank has refined my mindset on various things. One of my takeaways is that the key to a sustainable and better world is the impact we as individuals or society consciously make without being coerced.
Special thanks to the finance team for making my journey so seamless and enjoyable. Words cannot express my gratitude for your support, love, and advice. I want to give a shoutout to Iqra Chaudry, for your top-notch level of professionalism, I appreciate your ownership spirit which reflects in the quality of work you deliver. I look forward to emulating that going forward. To Faisal Naeem FCCA, thank you for your kindness and open culture which made it easy to learn from you.
To the people & culture team, thank you for the seamless onboarding process, I mentioned to Carolyne McCreath on my first day that the interview structure has been one of the best I have encountered.
Looking back, I am grateful for my step of faith, grateful for the gift of Black Professionals Scotland for creating this pathway for me and so many other black professionals, and Onyinye Igbokwe who championed this journey.

To everyone I have met along, I am thankful for the gift of you all.

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