As we approach the final days of #BlackHistoryMonth2022, Black Professionals Scotland was glad to have Aegon join in on hosting a colourful Black History Month celebration, a fully packed event where we would reflect on our journey so far and to celebrate our wins.
We hosted over 100 attendees with good food, drinks and live music for this grand celebration of Black culture and heritage at the lofty Aegon headquarters in Edinburgh.
Thanks to Dougy Grant, Operations and Service Director at Aegon who delivered the opening remarks as he warmly welcomed us to the event!
We also had an inspiring poetic delivery from Yemurai.
Black Professionals Scotland was delighted to recognise Councillor Graham Campbell for the ever-continuous roles he plays as a political activist supporting the Black community and preserving the Black culture here in Scotland. On this day, he offered his insights on trade union rights, community empowerment, protecting cultural heritage.
We were also privileged to have in our midst one of the most recognised Professors in the United Kingdom and science researcher, Sir Godfrey Henry Oliver Palmer OBE. Sir Geoff graced us with his inspiring speech on self-development and navigating through life as a Black man in foreign land. We were humbled to receive his assistance in presenting awards of recognition to game changers in the Black community.
As the event came to a close, we had Kirstie MacGillivray, CEO at Aegon Asset Management who at her speech welcomed our agenda at Black Professionals Scotland and reaffirmed Aegon’s commitments towards being a diverse and inclusive company.
Thanks to the team at Black Professionals Scotland and especially to Onyinye Igbokwe for a very well-organised event, to Taofeek Giwa for co-ordinating, to Joshua Adeyemi for media coverage, to Tosin Ogunlesi and Asabea Owusu for delivering awards, to Brendan Njoku for social media co-ordinating, and to our Founder/CEO Enoch Adeyemi FCCA for the bright initiatives offered here at Black Professionals Scotland.
Looking forward to many more events like this with all our partners.
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